Importance of Divine Mother’s Names repetitions



The Divine Mother Mai has similarly left us, as Her boon, ” MAI SAHASRANAMA ” [ MOTHER’S THOUSAND NAMES ]. It is meant to be repeated with the Universal Mai-conception, with the predominating key-notes of Love and Service. It is symbolical of “Love” as against “Power”, and of ” Mother ” as against Shakti, the fulfill-er of one’s desires. Mai has Friday, the day of Venus, as Her special day, as against Tuesday, the day of Mars (of Shakti). The Text is the very same as the sacred and secret “Lalitha Sahasranama”, coming down to us from centuries, but in strictest secrecy from the Guru to the Shishya. It is rejuvenated, with re-shuffling and re-sorting of the names, with a view to regenerating its living effect and with a new interpretation, a new outlook, a new belief and a new faith, to add Universality and to delete all secondary superfluity.

There are multitudes of deities, multitudes of saintly souls and multitudes of self-realized and Mother-realized souls, that are anxious to encourage, uplift, instruct, guide, protect and apotheosize those that are sincerely desirous of Mother’s Grace. These are known as Divyaugha, Maanavaugha, and Siddhaugha or Paramgurus,, Paraapargurus, and Apara Gurus respectively.

If a devotee recites one of the names narrated in this little work even once, he should be known as most dear to Mother and Mother will grant him all that he desires.

If he always recites these names to please Mother, he will obtain, undoubtedly all his moral and legitimate desires by Mother’s Grace.








Divine Mother tolerates our weakness but not wickedness

 Let the world demand and Mother shall give peace and happiness. The trouble is , the world wants all happiness without obeying the Divine Laws , remaining all the while violating the Law, and remaining fretting and fuming with ever-ungratefulness and rebelliousness, he can be capable of. 


Mother can set things aright in no time with a High Supreme Command. But then where is the playfulness and joy ?? Mother wants to enjoy the pleasures of seeing how people try to cheat Her, ignore Her, insult Her. How far does the mankind go? Thinking too much by itself by itself? She tolerates our weakness but not wickedness. A king plays with his companions. So many defeat him. So may quarrel and play tricks with him, but as soon as he says, “Stop”- finished. Everyone immediately gets up as if by an electric shock, leaving all the cards and horses and elephants of a chess, there and then, as mere puppets. All shouting and quarreling and claiming disappears in a second.

Where is again the pleasure and joy in lovability shown by others to us if it is under compulsion??

I order every child of mine must prostrate to me on leaving the bed. Is there any real pleasure in having such a prostrations? The joy proceeds when you leave them to act as they like and someone prostrates. The pleasure of prostration is , when there is no compulsion and no automatic mechanical prostration.





The independent path of Love towards God as Mother

There is quite an independent path of love. Love between God and devotees. Love between the Highest spirit and the soul’s spirit, where there is no other hindrance on any ground whatsoever. It is as good as mechanical Law of a magnet and an iron, the iron piece may be rusted or brilliant, it may be anything, of any color or any shape.
It is we who mix up the matters. We jumble up the Ideal of God as Mother or Love with God who runs the Universe, who can adjust matters to our advantage. How you fare in life and world, should become entirely foreign inadmissible and irrelevant matter in the said independent path of Love. The return of Love is Love and not prosperity, power, removal of calamities, subjugation of opponents, etc. Love means absolutely nothing else. The jumbling is there; don’t jumble up Mother as Mother to Her child and Mother as the Criatrix and Disposer of the Universe and controller of individual life with all joys and sorrows, pleasure and pains.

You love Mother but in return, you want the whole pleasure and wealth of the world. If you are satisfied with Love of Mother’s towards you, your love and readiness to die for Her is in quite sufficient and is independent of all the religious requirements and equipment. There only the plain and scientific law holds. You weep out of separation from Mother, Mother runs to you. She heals you up and your wounds in a hospital; She bandages you. But mind, She runs not necessarily to give you and what you want and to help you out of your own dug up pit falls. She runs to you to remove your pangs of separation. She too runs also because She can’t remain without running. She loves you hundred fold. “Loving Mother means becoming Mother ” that is second unfailing divine law. Mother’s mandate to Her devotees, regarding their attitude towards the world, in spite of the latter’s worldliness and possible wickedness, is “Be Mother to all, as I have been to you.” Do you want Mother for Mother’s sake? Well, there your way is clear and open. There is an independent path of divine love, which does not make any other achievement indispensable. That is the innermost teaching of Mai-ism.

What a terrible earth-and-sky difference , there is , between the stage of an intellectual knowledge and the conviction, realization and corroboration of a certain truth !! And what a terribly long time period  passes between the two stages ? One life with the maximum time thereof best utilized seems to be almost nothing , and not sufficient time at all. Just imagine the stage of a soul of a murderer or plunderer who can do his job with the sacred name of Rama or Krishna in his lips. Next, that of one who falls unconscious out of divine love, as soon a she hears  the sacred name uttered by someone else. On the basis of the extent of progress which an average worldly soul is able to make up in one life in the matter of what he was, before and after, or at the beginning and at the end  , just try to imagine how many lives  are required to rise  from the above one stage to another !!! We are lost in the ocean of perplexities, with no shores or lands in sights. Before the realization of a certain truth, so many stages, degrees and intensities have to be passed. It is an indispensable requirement for realizing the relish of  ”living after death “, that this world of ours , so much bright and righteous looking  and infatuating should have been first realized , to have been, after all, only a forest and desert. True relishfulness of life and living, begins after non-attachment, relinquishment, renunciation and realization of nothingness of the world.

Blessed be the name of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa , the first Mother’s child. Mother Herself, that came on earth to teach Her universal simplified speedy religion.

Blessed be the name of Revered Shri Swami Vivekananda  ( Shiva Incarnate ) who as Mother’s lion roamed over the whole world  and tore to pieces , all the demoniacal forces of superstition, ignorance, atheism, abuse, exploitation, intolerance, pride-blindness, etc., in respect of religiosity, and who introduces the element of universal widened out-look in all religions of the world.

Extract from the book : MAI-ISM




Prayer to Divine Mother

The task too tremendous for a tyro is over. I cannot recall any desire or determination behind this completion. Thou alone know-est how, why, whence and for whom for.
If there be any such entity as ” I ” and any such reality that I consented myself to be used, and any such thing as a right to be compensated for having volunteered to be used, Mother !! Merciful Mother !!  Bless the readers of this work which has its greatness only in virtue of the greatness of Thee, Thyself. Be any one name alone by Thy Grace sufficient to fan the smallest spark of devotion to flame.
This is , however , the age of incapacity, impurity, helplessness, poverty and complicated competitive, short-sighted, short and twenty four hours wrist watched living. The disease of irreligiosity and nausea against ages born scriptures are great. Few of this age are capacious enough to scale the giddy heights of scriptural lore and Practice Upaasanaa with patience-trying rituals.

Dear Mother !! Adapt Thyself to the capacities of Thy children. Let it be enough in Thy eyes that Thy children may consider themselves fully qualified for Thy Grace as soon as they practice Universal love, Universal service, sincere Devotion to Thee in any form and unconditional cheerful Self-surrender to Thy divine will.
Be Thou satisfied with mere repetition of Thy sacred name without any rituals or restriction : – Jaya Maai Jaya Markand Maai.
That Thou hast been satisfied has been my conviction and it is this conviction based on the most miraculous happenings that has emboldened me to sing Thy glory and espouse Thy cause in publicity. If I had no conviction I would have confined myself to my methods for myself alone.

Although I laugh at my folly, and incapacity, I feel happy, for I am more than convinced that the whole religious understanding and practice needs thorough over-hauling and re-casting and I have raised and protruded my finger constructively. It is one thing to say things ought to be like so and so and another thing to install Mother with certain revised conceptions. One is merely an opinion. Another thing is the  hereditary action, the actual materialization of Divine will, with the zeal of seeing the command carried out. Rightly or wrongly I have always felt Thou hast desired me and even authorized me to speak of Thee. Authority makes all the difference. Authority en-souls, Authority installs,  Authority raises temples from talks, Authority forms institutions from families. Blessed Mother, soon send amongst us the authorized, the anointed, the crowned, the conquest-blessed.

For my poor capacity I have done enough to hope for Thy sweet smile. I have at best directed my finger to Thee, I am Blessed. Let me not restrain my tears of highest joy, of humility and gratefulness. Mother bless us all.

My dear Mother !! Let me talk to Thee in public as in our solitude. Wind up Thy sport.  Let Thy passion of wearing the garland of the wounded go. Let Thy play of ” Agitation, attraction, liquefaction, infatuation, submission and dissolution ” go. Reserve that play for playmates that volunteer  themselves for being woundedDo not test. None of this age would stand Thy tests. Be accomodative. If Thou dost not, no daughter or son will harbor Thee under the roof of her or his heart.
Give give, Pour pour, Deluge deluge, Deluge with Thy thousand hands, on them that remember Thee through any one of these sacred names, like Surbhi, the celestial cow, like Kalpadruma, the celestial tree, like Chintaamani, the wonderful gem, like a Mother , like Thee Thyself.

With the mercifulness of Mother, consider nothing about the worth of Thy devotees, perpetual or casual, sincere or insincere, disinterested or interested, real or nominal, sinless or sinful, learned or illiterate, salvation-seeking or enjoyment-seeking, self-controlled or self-centered, ritual-scripture-conversant or ritual-scripture-ignorant, Guru-following or Guru-belittling, Guru-acknowledging or Guru-disowning, grateful or ungrateful.

Mother !!  We are hopelessly and shamefully lacking in the last and least return of Thy Grace. We are ungrateful. But then why do we call Thee “Mother” !! Though sexless !! Who has ever felt grateful to her or his mother !! And which Mother has ever measured Her Grace !!

Mother !! If Thou shalt say ‘ No ‘, where shall we go !!

Thy mystic and mysterious power of Thy Lotus Feet is known to few. Devotees have sweetly sung about their power of prosperity and plentifulness, but the other side !! The process of creating colors from coals.

I have craved Thy Beloved’s kick to claim Thy caress. I have prostrated myself in hope to see that my grip of Thy Lotus Feet may be showered with Thy consolation. From lifelessness to desirefulness and from desirefulness to desirelessness, what else but Thy lotus Feet and Thy Love, has been Infinite Reservoir of all Powers and the power of achieving the undreamt of sublimation and transformation !!
Mother!! Burn Thy heavens and extinguish Thy hells. Make us all live with Love, Service, Devotion and Self-Surrender, Around Thee, With Thee, In Thee.
Let Thy wicked, way-ward over-fondled, booby lie, live or die as Thou choosest, but in Thy Lotus Feet alone.

Thy Wicked Child,







Saint Mai Swarup Mai Markand’s prayer to all readers

Dear Reader

Start from the stage on which you are, from the stage of world-wormness, enjoyment-desire-burstfulness, viciousness, sinfulness, rebelliousness, or devilishness. With sobs and sighs, flesh fails the very next moment and man runs to enjoy. Something within and something without drives him to commit sins. It is impossible for any human being to be calm and quiet and sinless so long as all his desires are not consumed to ashes in the fire of devotion and further so long as those very ashes are not swept away under the blessed beatific breeze of Mother’s Grace.
So long as you have not begged for Mother’s Mercy, your selfishness and scheminess will not disappear and your heart will not break and your individualism-cloak will not be torn to rags and discarded off by you.  You will ever remain sinner, Beloved Reader, do thy best to guard against temptations and sins, etc., but having failed, do not despondently despair. This Master Key I hand over to thee. Wherever, however; thou be, link thyself with Mother, intertwine thyself, break thyself, hand over thyself to Her, even officiously and intrusively. Don’t waste thy precious moments and don’t bother thyself over thy own lot. Even at the worst it is much better than millions of others’ lots. Say out “Mother, I am what Thou hast wished me to be.”
If thou canst not love Mother because thou art not sure about ever Her existence, thou canst love Her Devotees and Her Children. If Thou canst love, at least serve them. Even if thou hast no heart, serve at least as thou servest thy creditors with prompt payment of dues. Serve at least out of consideration of thy own gentle-manliness and greatness. Serve others even as thy dependents or refugees. Don’t perversely argue thou hast been loving thy wife and children. Thou dost not love them and children of Mother. Thou art only loving and serving thyself in them.
Wipe out all complications and confusions. Go to saint or a devotees thou art. I humbly offer myself to accompany thee to go to Mother if thou canst not go Thyself alone.
Begin begin, at once , immediately. There is none who can stand security for thy next moment’s living. The mere utterance of Her sacred name is  enough enlist Thee for ever. Stir up, start, run, Mother’s lap is thine. I have known it. I proclaim it to thee. Mother bless Thee, my dear Reader.

Shalt Thou remain a stone while I break into tears and fall unconscious on writing this ?

Stones have wept, mountains have dusted and oceans have calmed at Her Will, at Her Devotee’s Will, at Her Surrender’s Will, at Her enlisted’s Will, at Her sacred Name Repeater’s Will, as each one of all these Wills is only Her Will for rejuvenating the universe and humanity with life, light and love. Mother Bless thee.


Jay Mai Jay Mai Jay Mai

Mother Bless All.






Universal Divine Mother Mai is the very essence of all mantras.

  Universal Divine Mother Mai is the very essence of all mantras.
By concentration on Mother as mother, the supreme divine energy of loving others results in trying to identify oneself with Her as Hers. Gradually the perception of the fullness of the individuality is felt and the development of such perception is later more and more experienced, Identification stated above is Concentration or Anusandhaan अनुसंधान, Perception is Mantra-Siddhi मन्त्रसिध्दी, or the success of the mantra repetition and the full development is Anubhavaअनुभव or realization.
According to the Mai-istic creed, there is no higher Mantra than Jay Mai Jay Markand Mai and the practice of getting a certain desire fulfilled by repetition of a certain mantra personally or through a representative is discountenanced. Mantra repetition can be only for getting the Grace, or for a prayer to some good purpose, mostly for others, and without any selfish return.
Once it becomes a conviction that it is Mother and Mother’s Grace that gives or does a certain work, the whole outlook is entirely changed. There is no marketing, no mechanical doing of something, somehow, leading us somewhere, no bargaining with the deity, no chasing and no cheating.“YOUR’S IS TO PRAY, AND IT IS HER WILL TO GRANT OR NOT”. At every step in this life, there is some difficulty of illness, affliction, poverty, painfulness, etc.

How long to wonder and how often to break one’s head and empty one’s purse, in the search of almost a mirage!!! Mai-ism says “Miseries will be endless”. Make yourself proof to them. Seek Grace, pray without  despondency in case the prayers are not heard. Practice living cheerfully., with the spirit of self-surrender, in any circumstances. Further as a result of grant of the request, a devotee does not get deluded as a Siddha (if at all there is any), because he does not consider himself to be the giver or the worker. Unnecessary fuss and bossing due to a little better knowledge of rituals or sacred word has no dancing platform. MOTHER NEVER FAILS, TO DO WHAT IS BEST IN THE INTEREST OF HER DEVOTEES, ON PRAYING TO FOR RELIEF.
Readers would not rest satisfied till they know, if this theory is supported by practical experience, and I may reply to them. ” There are experiences, which would take volumes to narrate, of prayers by devotees that have been heard by Mother.” I am not talking of old grand-mothers tales or hearsay’s and rumors of some Bhaktaas in past. I am referring to the experiences of myself, as great an atheist as any of you, who wants things to be proved to him, as in a civil court, supported by ample outside independent evidence.
A Mai-ist should not forget that this granting of desires, is with the ultimate desire of attracting Her children to Herself.
There is the other side, as well. Mantras has laudable uses, when (1) they serve magnetic healing or abating of diseases, etc., for very general abating of miseries;

(2) For ornamental grandeur, decency, poetry, sublimity, purification of place and mind, inviting a deity or seeking grace, or (3) as spiritual diplomacy to pull out disciple from the mud-mire of worldliness by offering baits under the temptation of the benefits, gradually introducing him to the higher world of God, Guru, Devotees, etc. (although through a selfish motive to start with), and making him ascend the spiritual ladder, rung after rung.
This use, however, of Mantra by way of a spiritual diplomacy, for the welfare of the disciple, becomes at once apparent. Such a Mantra-worker is purely a selfless man, and work for a selfless purpose without any specific desire.





What a tremendous power, Maya holds over the little mind of man

The Founder says,” There are wheels within wheels and any effort of the type eludes grip. It is as it were Maya were strongly thwarting any effort of establishing permanent lights in a blind alley.”Says She, as it were, “ It is my wish, my rights, my order, my jurisdiction whether a certain man is able to see God’s finger in a certain miraculous happening or not. You can’t reduce me to a formula or a mechanism or a vanquished .The blindness of  man will never disappear and the secret of the understanding  will not show itself, till God’s or Guru’s Grace showers.”


Today a man weeps with unceasing tears of gratitude to Guru and God for being saved from, say, a heart failure. To-morrow his mind changes and he says he was a fool to bring in God’s Grace and goes even to call his Guru a delusion creator. When another occasion of calamity befalls him, he is again full of tears and thanks giving. Let one day more go and he is again the very same dissenter. He consider his God’s finger , vision, gratitude and thanks giving  to be the symptoms and acts of an indescribable weakness in some thing like delirium  when he was no longer himself. He thinks “I was over powered with some unshakable irresistible force. Now I am free from that temporary mental debility.”


During a calamity, a man is not himself, he becomes lamb-like , God fearing, obedient, humble and God-approaching. He is entirely a different man with different outlook and way of judging and thinking. God, Guru, Divine Law, sins, sufferings, all look standing ready to rush upon him. The calamity being over , he returns to his original self  and wonders how , so very lion hearted , he had become lamb like . It is only the good luck of few blessed to have a conviction about which stage was really superior. Like King Janaka, few lose themselves in meditation over the contrast of the two different and often contradictory states.


That accounts for a man’s ingratitude and forgetfulness about God’s and Guru’s Grace. That is Maya’s thick blindfolding veil, and man is more to be pitied than to be blamed, when one realises what a powerful overturning force this Maya enshrouds a man with; the Maayaa , which makes the man think , he was overclouded with a delusion , when in reality he was in direct touch with the Truth.

What a tremendous power, Maya holds over the little mind of man!!! A coal during an electric temperature has the luster of diamond. It cools down and again becomes coal. The dog is wise only for the moments he is in the kitchen and till the serving lasts. Serving finished, kitchen closed, the dog is again a dog.


But, all the same. Mai-ism is very optimistic. What is wanted  is hundreds of repetitions and any man becomes surely much better than before , with pains, patience  and perseverance, The higher the spiritual and religious  and moral stage and living of a man , the greater is the peace of mind happiness and cessation of misery. This is the most automatic result though often invisible and unrecognized. The electric current proceeding from an electric station of a city being stronger and brighter, there is nothing but  lustrous joyfulness in every branch  but goes to make the city happy through the electric power . The bakery, the cotton mill the street light, the lift everything runs smoothly and brilliantly. Mai-ism says, strengthen your current and fill up your batteries  by living a life of Love, Service, Devotion and Self-Surrender, Merely changing bulbs and frequent switching off and on , can not help you, if the current itself is already weak. Switch your red Ribbon key of your Mind-type-machine. All letters thereafter are not black or blue but auspicious bold red.




Pray, Pray and Pray. Concentrate, consolidate yourself. Be attracted to Mother, the Highest Center and Resource of all Powers and Welfare you can imagine. You will have attractive return. Make your environment happy by Love and Service. Make your inner self stronger, purest and quieter by Devotion and self-Surrender. You are many times much better. You will make yourself happy and make all around you happy. How to do that is not so difficult. The desire must be there. The discrimination must be there. The decision must be there.The determination must be there. The rest automatically follows as a dish by Divine Mother on crying determinedly hard.

Extract from the book : MAI-ISM




Secret of self improvement

The secret of self-improvement is “Contact with people in better society, better environment and better atmosphere “. If you have the Guru – Shishya relationship with a worthy Guru, that problem is mainly solved. That however cannot be good-luck of everyone.

Take as a unit the dealing-region of yourself with your God, guru, wife, life-long friend and so on. Each relationship is a simple unit. Take further a complex unit of yourself with your father’s family, your own family, your relations, your society of friends, your professional brothers, your caste-people, your community people, your locality people, your co-disciples and your co-workers in common cause. There is a great wonderful course that each unit exerts on an individual. The self-preservation instinct is at work. None wants to be thrown out, abandoned and cast to the winds. A man may not care for being moral and virtuous, or for being a religious, but he wants a fullest sympathy of the society and of the immediately surrounding people around. Just study a few cases, of vast changes in different families coming over to reside in a big cosmopolitan city. Customs, habits, prejudices, manners, purdah-importance, jealousy, outlook-narrowness, husband-superiority, stinginess, quarrelsomeness, callousness, bluntness, ruffian-ism, in the heart within – everything change so wonderfully and in no time. The inner pinch of self-interest and self-preservation and the desire of gaining a higher and higher footing is there at full work.

Let therefore the wisest man be extremely careful about his selection of his simple units and complex units. Inspite of the highest boast of intellect and originality, man is after all an apish imitator and a social creature with a gregarian mentality.  Man cannot live without some association of some human beings. Group formations and group isolation are only manifestations of human nature. That is natural and even indispensable, for the purpose of self-improvement, spontaneous pleasure and the maximum efficiency and relishfulness of life. The social fear of being thrown out, asocial boycott, is no small remedy to keep everyone straight and obedient to the common collective rules, customs and living ways and beliefs (at least the express ones) of every group.    

Take a complex unit. After all the additions and subtraction, that particular units has its positive attributes, say one unit has goodness, morality, virtue and religiousness; another unit has badness, immorality, vice  and irreligiousness. Each group unit exerts a certain influence  over every individual of a group and tries to pull and conquer the same to be nearer and nearer the central attribute. Everyone likes to be in intimate touch with others of the same ways. Everyone feels at home, ridden of all constraints in one’s own group alone. Everyone gets extremely uneasy and constrained in a foreign environment , and everyone tries to be more or less like the group to which one belongs


Thus a good unit will turn the worst into worse, the worse into bad, the bad into good, the good into better, the better into best. A bad unit will turn the best into better, the better into good, the good into bad, the bad into worse, the worse into worst. That is why collective degeneration travels many times much faster than individual degeneration. 

Good individuals placed in bad units, have most helplessly to be bad. Theses are chains, in which individual links have no strength, and often, the maximum strength of the chain itself, is nothing more than that of the weakest link in the chain. Good man in bad units, have to bad for self defense, and self-preservation. They have to be an indiscernible drop of the same water. Further everyone’s most natural desire to go higher and higher in rank, in one’s society, he wants to stand high with goodness; if in bad one, by badness. He wants to win the general applause ” I am well-known someone ” – egoistic pleasure. No force is as massive as the mass-force. If turned to politics, it may bring independence. If turned to religion, it may bring back universal true religiosity in a few decades. A regularly established automatic special huge machinery works wonders. It is because of the fullest knowledge of the highest efficiency of this machinery working., that religious have stooped to laying down certain rules and customs, for the smooth and efficient running , and maintaining the general efficiency of  different groups. This most wonderfully working force , must be prominently before  the minds of religious reformers , when they take up any religious rejuvenating work, if solid practicability has to be achieved.